Thank you for visiting the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church website! We have been serving Catholic believers and our local community for over 125 years. We belong to the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. And yes, we are in full communion with the Holy See. We strive to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ into our daily lives at home, at school and at work.

Easter Greeting

From the Archeparchy of Philadelphia...

The history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the USA started in 1884 with Father Ivan Voliansky (Wolanski) – the first Greek Catholic priest who came to serve in America.
It all began when the faithful in Shenandoah, PA wrote a letter to Metropolitan Sylvester Sembratovych of Lviv requesting a priest stating “something is lacking in us. Lacking to us is God, Whom we could adore in our own way”…here enters Fr. Ivan.
Fr. Ivan was a well-educated priest who completed his studies in the seminary in Vienna and knew many languages…old Chaldean, Syriac, Arabis, English, French, German, Portuguese, Slavic languages…to name a few. Although Fr. Ivan’s assignment was to be a parish priest to the faithful of Shenandoah, he served in many different ways:
✝ī¸establishing the first mutual aid brotherhood of St. Nicholas (Shenandoah - January 18, 1885)
â›Ēī¸ building the first Easter Catholic Church in Shenandoah in 1886
📚creating Ukrainian reading houses or chytalni
đŸŽļ organizing the first choir
đŸ“Ļ creating trade cooperatives
✏ī¸founded evening schools
📰 establishing and editing the first newspaper America (the first issue was published on August 15, 1886)
đŸĒĻfounding St. Michael's cemetery – the first cemetery for Greek Catholics in Shenandoah, PA;
⛏ī¸ being a member of the American trade union Knights of Labor fighting for the rights of workers in the mining region.
Sadly, due to increasing protests by the Latin bishops in the States against married Eastern Catholic clergy serving in their territory, Metropolitan Sembratovych had to recalled Fr. Ivan. Fr. Ivan and his wife left America in June 1889. They remained missionaries and later continued their ministry in Brazil.

Metropolia Invites Donations to the Humanitarian Aid Fund for Ukraine

On Thursday morning, February 23rd, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russia’s military to invade Ukraine. The attack began with a launch of ballistic and conventional missiles, followed by ground and coastal operations. Soldiers of the Ukrainian army showed wisdom and excellent preparation for meeting the enemy. Unfortunately, we hear about a lot of damage to buildings, wounded and killed people. We know and believe that the war will end soon, but it will take a lot of effort and resources to restore everything. 

Our Metropolia invites you to make donations to the Humanitarian Aid Fund for Ukraine. This can be done as follows: 

  1. Write a check to the “Ukrainian Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia” and send it to the office at 810 North Franklin Street, Philadelphia PA 19123. Please write on the check “Humanitarian Aid Fund for Ukraine”; 
  2. When the pastor announces the collection in the parish, leave your donation in the parish basket, which will then be transferred to the Philadelphia office along with other donations;
  3. You can donate on the Philadelphia Archdiocese’s website, and click on Donate through PAYPAL and select  “WAR VICTIMS AND HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN UKRAINE“; Encourage local financial and other institutions to make contributions.

There are no small or large donations. But your donation can change someone’s life for the better. The Lord God will repay the happy donor a hundredfold. Pray for the people of the war victims! May the Lord bless you and our brothers and sisters in Ukraine!

Most Rev. Borys Gudziak
Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians

Most Rev. Andriy Rabiy
Auxiliary Bishop for the Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Divine Liturgy (Mass) Times

Sunday Divine Liturgies.
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am

Weekday Divine Liturgies
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am

Holy Day Liturgies: 9:00 am

Confessions: Saturdays at 2:00 pm

Office Hours

Although we certainly welcome visits to the Parish Office during business hours, it is a courteous gesture to call ahead (570-291-4451) to be sure someone is in the office to receive you and that you will not be interrupting anyone else who may be there at the same time.


Why I Come To Church

"Why I Come to Church" was produced by the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. This video may be viewed on YouTube by clicking this link.

Archieparchial Holy Thursday Services at Holy Myrhh-Bearers Ukrainian Catholic Church in Swarthmore, PA

On Thursday, March 29, 2018, the Archieparchial Holy Thursday Services were held in Holy Myrrh-Bearers Ukrainian Catholic Church in Swarthmore, PA.  The YouTube video of these services can be found by clicking here.

NEW DATE: St. Cyril's Car Show

Prayer for Peace

Memorial Services at the Cemetery

Visit from St. Nicholas

Holy Year of Mercy Pilgrimage

Metropolitan Archbishop Stefan Soroka of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia and Ukrainians in the USA attended the Divine Liturgy at 4:00 p.m on October 15, 2016 in Ss. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church, Olyphant, Pa. Metropolitan Soroka was greeted at the Church doors by the youth of the Parish who were dressed in the traditional Ukrainian clothing.