The 1960s

On Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1963, St. Cyril’s observed its 75th Anniversary with a Solemn Divine Liturgy of Thanksgiving, celebrated by the Very Rev. Msgr. Michael Poloway, Vicar General of the Diocese who represented Metropolitan Archbishop Ambrose Senyshyn. Six spiritual sons of the parish concelebrated the Liturgy, two served as deacons, and to parish seminarians served as acolytes. The occasion was festively concluded with a Jubilee Banquet that afternoon.

 The decade of the 1960s continued down the road of unity and harmony, and rebuilding of the material and spiritual structure and fabric of the parish began in their early 50s under the patient, prudent and prayerful guidance of Msgr. Hrynuck. During this decade Msgr. Hrynuck celebrated both his 25th and 30th years as a priest, 19 of which had been spent in the service of St. Cyril’s parishioners by the close of the decade. In 1968 the then Rev. Stephen Hrynuck was elevated to the rank of a Papal Chamberlain by His Holiness Pope Paul the VI with the title of Monsignor.

 Key organizations continued to be active and provided both material and spiritual support for the improvement and maintenance of the parish structure and life. These organizations included the Choir, Immaculate Conception Society, Holy Name Society, Apostleship of Prayer, The Junior Choir, Senior and Junior Altar Boys, the PTA and Boy Scout Troop 35, And Bingo Party workers.

 The parish purchased properties adjacent to the school’s playground on Lincoln Street for future expansion of the playground and parking. New carpeting and an air-conditioning system were installed in the church. A Monument to Jesus Christ with mausoleum crypts in front of the monument, reserved for the burial of priests, were installed at the cemetery. Their blessing took place on May 30, 1960.

 Besides Msgr.’s elevation and rank and ordination anniversary, several spiritual sons of the parish likewise had similar observances. Newly ordained in 1963 was Rev. John Stevensky and in 1964 Rev. John Beckage and Rev. Walter Wysochansky. Rev. Basil Feddish was elevated to the rank of Papal Chamberlain with the title of Very Rev. Msgr. and Very Rev. Mother M. Basil, OSBM, passed away unexpectedly at the Motherhouse in Fox Chase outside Philadelphia.

 St. Cyril’s Baseball Team distinguished itself by winning its seventh consecutive season championship in 1964, a record that has never been surpassed in amateur baseball competition in this region. And, parishioner Michael Chekansky was elected Mayor of Olyphant in November 1969, the second time in the history of the parish that a parishioner had been elected to such a high civic office. The first to achieve such an honor was George Chylak, a founder of St. Cyril’s.